How to Teach Yoga with Intention
To truly experience evolution on all levels of our being, in life and in practice, we must utilise Yoga to its fullest capacity and include all of its limbs not just asana. This is what we call Sarvanga Sadhana - complete practice. It’s also important to move away from the idea that yoga and asana are the same thing.
Seasonal Living; Balance Through Autumn
As the crisp air fills your lungs and the strength of the wind brushes strands of your messy hair across your face, you feel the natural tendency to drop a layer of yourself just like the trees drop their autumn leaves.
Many before me have bathed in your light and my heart saddens when I think about why so many have forgotten you and your nature and themselves…
From time to time I find myself feeling the pressure of always needing to be more, do more, succeed more, create more, transform more, evolve more, earn more... And, on top of that, do it all quickly and perfectly, right now. Now in ten years, now. Sound familiar?
What do you see when you look in the mirror? Most of us just see skin, hair and eyes. We fail to see what’s beyond the surface. When we only see the physical we become extremely disconnected to who we are.
We have always moved and lived by way of Mother Nature, the powerful, dyname force behind creation of life. We were once deeply aware of our connectedness to mother nature. Today, we are still connected but our awareness has become disconnected and disassociated.
By learning to live within the rhythms of nature, we become deeply connected to who we are and who we have always been. At our core we are the essence of life itself, the essence of Mother Nature. If you desire to live a life in alignment you must start with connection to Her. She awakens our souls desire.