What would it mean if you could embrace all that you are and be with your inner radiance? What would it feel like to step into who you are?
There is a radiant flame burning within you that has the potential to set your heart on fire and awaken your inner purpose. This flame, once awakened, embraces all that you are. This flame longs to burn bright. It longs to warm you and nourish you in the wander and beauty of being.
You’re here because you have a deep desire to ignite and to know this flame; your own intuitive power. I know, because I felt this too.
You are born with innate wisdom and when you nurture this wisdom, you will be held in the arms of the divine mother. This is the process of learning to be and live with the divine feminine; the sacred (and untameable) flame.
Divinely You introduces you, to YOU...
The freedom of knowing yourself in your truth.
The more you embody who you are, tune into the cosmic flame, the more you will start to recognise the power you have within. My deepest desire is to help you live from your inner sanctum. To hold my flame as a source of light on your path. To hold your hand as you wander through the wilderness of your being. Here, you remember who you are.
You are pure potential waiting to be seen and heard. To be remembered and to be loved. Your purpose and potential never diminish, they are always within. The challenge is walking (sometimes backwards) on that path and going into the darkness to reignite your flame and unbind yourself from limitations.
When you step in the direction in which your sacred flame is guiding, you are always held, always becoming, always growing, always evolving, shedding and repeating.
Are you intrigued by the idea of being YOU? The you who your soul chose you to be… Each time you dance on the path of you, your path gets a little brighter, clearer and the light begins to reveal your truth. You awaken the goddess who forgot how to stand in her intuitive power. This is the Divine Feminine awakening within.
Divinely You is here to help you be you and to help you remember how to step into your being. Together, us women awaken the inner healer of our own hearts.
Your intuitive power is stirring deep inside of you waiting for you to recognise and know it...
“Om asato mā sadgamaya
Tamaso mā jyotir gamaya
Mṛtyormā’mṛtam gamaya
Oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ”
Om, lead me from ignorance (asat) to truth (sat); from darkness (tamas) to light (jyotir); from death (mrityor) to immortality (amritam). This does not mean that we want to live forever; rather we seek to establish identity with the Eternal within us, with the Spirit rather than the body that is impermanent.
Translation source: Rose Baudin