Looking up to you
I’m reminded that this life is magical
And I wonder why
more of us don’t take time to
collectively bathe in your light?
To bathe in your mothering,
kind, subtle wisdom
I wonder why
more don’t take time
to be with your light
And, why more don’t allow
your light
to illuminate their minds...
Many before me
have bathed in your light
and my heart saddens
when I think about why
so many have forgotten you
and your nature
and themselves
Do you long
for our collective return to stillness
or do you gently watch over us
knowing our return is inevitable…
You intend to remind us of stability
as you move through your cycles,
your rhythms,
and your purpose.
And yet, many have unknowingly
forgotten their cyclical nature
their rhythm
their purpose…
Like many before me,
I sit here mesmerised by you.
I long to rest in your light
in your rhythm
in your cycle
in your stability.
I know your light will guide
me to my rhythm
my cycle
my purpose…
This moment feels like home
returning and leaving
all at once.
This moment feels like living in pure being
and I wonder why
our collective cyclical nature is so
In your cycle
you hold us in fierce stability.
In your light
there is no more hiding
playing safe
or waiting.
You full luminosity reminds us
this is not of time of plans without action
dreams without reality…
this is time to take up space in the world
let our passions be illuminated
in our veins and be seen in the spark of our eyes.
A time for deep thought
and deep action
A time for radical being
Only then
will we be fulfilled
“a time for deep thought and deep action”
Journal prompts to support soul aligned living this full moon
This full moon reminds us that our nature, our cyclical and ancestral wisdom is not dead. It reminds us we are here to embrace our nature, our roots that are firmly planted on the earth and with our lineage.
This is a time to remember the wisdom of our ancestors. As the cycle of the moon guides to our own cycle, it also asks us to release the cycles that do not serve us. This is a time to look toward those beings, (celestial, mystical and living) that remind you of who you are…
How can you take care of yourself in this time?
How are you connecting or disconnecting to your cyclical nature? (rise with the sun, honour your menstruation, live with the seasons)
What is no longer nourishing you?
What needs processing?
Set a timer for 20 minutes and write freely, remember no one is going to read this.
When you live life in alignment you become Divinely You…
Would you like to deepen your connection to your soul aligned purpose?
You can join us in our Sacred New Moon Circles here where we move through ceremony, asana, pranayama, meditation and journalling to awaken intuition. FIRST CIRCLE FOR 2022 coming in MARCH!
A bespoke energy healing session can help you feel more energetically aligned, spiritually aware, light, restful, expansive and clear. You will leave with more clarity and specific practices to help you fully embody the purpose of your session.